Author Jade Jaeger on heartbreak, self-care and publishing independently

By   Hannah Bickerton 3 min read

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Jade Jaeger was born and still lives in Sydney, Australia. Over the years, she has worked in public relations, real estate and copywriting. Jade’s new book The Little Book of Self-Love: 50 Practical Ways to Heal a Broken Heart and Raise Your Vibration was written as her way of stitching back together a broken heart, with the intention of creating something humble, simple and beautiful. Something that would be of service to others who are hurting, and who don’t know how to begin to mend their own hearts.

Hi Jade! Could you tell us a bit more about yourself and what inspired your book, The Little Book of Self-Love?

A few years ago I was living in rural Holland with my husband. It was a seemingly idyllic life until I got a phone call in the middle of the night from the partner of the woman my husband had been having an affair with for two years. My life blew up and I was forced to go deep within. I realised I had no foundation of self-love and that I had always relied on others to give me my self worth. At 47 I decided I needed to do the work and let the pain of this heartbreak transform me. I wanted to make something beautiful and that would be of service to others out of something so painful.

Why did you decide to self-publish your book? And why did you choose whitefox as your publishing partner?

I always had a very clear vision for the book. I wanted it to feel beautiful and comforting to hold. I knew I wanted beautiful illustrations and for it to be a hardcover. All these things cost publishers extra money and because I had the experience with my first book with a big publishing company, I understood that they would change my vision to fit within a budget. I decided to back myself and create exactly what I had in my mind without being coerced in a different direction. My literary agent suggested whitefox and I’m so glad they did.

What does the term ‘wellness’ mean to you? How does it differ from ‘self-help’?

Self-help is where the onus is on ‘self’ whereas wellness is much broader. I prefer the idea of going within. Anytime we show ourselves care, kindness and gentleness it is an expression of self-love.

Why do you think there has been a rise in books focusing on wellness and self-care in recent years?

I believe the planet needs more love and that needs to begin first as ‘self-love’. After we have a foundation of self-love we can love others properly and also our planet because we know we are all connected.

What is the main message you would like to convey to your readers?

Self-love is the antidote to heartache and that love is the answer to any question.

How do you think your book, and the wellness genre in general, can help younger people in particular?

My book is full of practical ways to raise your vibration so your life is full of love. We live in a world where the message ‘you’re not good enough’ is palpable for today’s youth. A daily practice of self-love is constant vigilance against this narrative. Teaching people from a young age how to care for themselves and build a strong foundation of self-love is crucial. When that is in place people will have a deeper respect and care for others and their environment.

Your book includes fifty ways of manifesting self-love to help encourage healing, including spells, rituals, self-care practices, tips and recipes. In such a busy whirlwind world, what exercises would you encourage everyone to do regularly to ensure they are taking care of themselves?

Feed yourself natural, fresh, high-quality food, get out in nature regularly, breathe deeply, clean your space, count your blessings, tell people you love them, slow down and take time each day to feel your feelings, deeply.

What advice would you offer to aspiring authors looking to write a book for the wellness space?

Write what you know, be truthful and vulnerable and let it come straight from your heart.

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Hannah Bickerton
Hannah Bickerton
Hannah has worked in marketing for nine years, specialising in strategy development for start-ups and EdTech companies. Having recently jumped across industries to join the Whitefox team, Hannah isn’t a complete stranger to the publishing world with previous employment at Macmillan and TES Global. She is now dedicated to ensuring that anyone who has something interesting to say knows all about whitefox.