Memoir-meets-cookbook: an inspiring LA-based culinary company founder embarks on a new project
By Hannah Bickerton • • 2 min read
whitefox: helping brands, thought leaders and writers create beautiful bespoke books
Thirty-seven years ago, Pauline Parry established her culinary company Good Gracious! Events in the heart of Los Angeles. Her goal was to be the best, not necessarily the biggest. The brand has since achieved huge success and garnered a dedicated following; Pauline herself has won numerous awards and been inducted into the Industry Hall of Fame for Events and Weddings. From professional event planners to private clients and corporations around the world, Pauline is relied upon by many for her innovative ideas and imaginative concepts that will make a lasting impression. And she never disappoints.
For her next venture, Pauline is taking on the publishing world with the professional help of whitefox. Set for release in Spring 2022, Pauline aims to re-publish and refresh her first cookbook Food, Fun and Love: Party Style, granting it a new lease of life alongside her newly published memoir-meets-cookbook, My Culinary Love Story. whitefox’s expert knowledge of cookery book publication and specialist services in project management, editorial, design, production and sales will ensure the exceptional quality of both cookery books in time for their publication this year.
Food, Fun and Love: Party Style captures the atmosphere, menus and people of Pauline’s magical, memorable dinner parties through stunning photography and a range of delicious recipes. My Culinary Love Story will intertwine Pauline’s deeply personal stories of food and love with more than sixty exquisite recipes, reflecting meaningful moments in her life as a woman, chef, wife and mother. Filled with enchanting watercolour illustrations throughout, Pauline’s decision to steer away from the inclusion of photographs not only creates a cookbook that is truly unique and beautifully bespoke in every essence, but the expense and complicated process of photoshoots is also avoided.
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