How audio distribution giant Audible partners with whitefox to scale audio-first titles

By   Hannah Bickerton 1 min read

whitefox: helping brands, thought leaders and writers create beautiful bespoke books

Audible’s mission

The Amazon-owned audiobook producer and retailer Audible commissions an extensive list of original audio content, to be launched exclusively under their Audible Originals service. The titles on this list are audio-first, taking advantage of the rapidly growing demand for audiobooks among readers. The list provides a valuable revenue stream for Audible, who are able to showcase their own original content. 

The company turned to whitefox for support in the production process. Equipped with in-house expertise and a vast network of professional freelancers, whitefox partnered with Audible to produce the top-quality audio content they wanted for their brand.

Our strategy

whitefox took on the production of more than 30 Audible Original titles throughout the course of 2020. As these were all original audio-first titles, they required full copyediting and proofreading services. Because the audiobook format has different requirements to print and e-books, the editing process involved combing through the manuscripts not only for the usual problems with grammar and spelling, but also for those that are unique to audio.

whitefox’s copyeditors and proofreaders made sure to pay particular attention to such problems. Issues of consistency, continuity, and any aspects of the text that could come across as jarring or confusing for the listener – such as long stretches of dialogue without descriptors – were carefully edited to best suit the audio format. whitefox operated on a quick turnaround, completing the copyediting and proofreading work for each title within a matter of weeks.

The result

By the year’s end, whitefox had worked on over 30 titles for Audible in under 12 months. The success of these projects has led to a continued partnership involving more facets of editorial production. whitefox’s expert services lend Audible greater flexibility in the growth of their title list. They are able to respond to the consumer market’s current trends in genre and taste much more quickly than before. whitefox has helped Audible to improve the efficiency of their audio production process and has enabled them to create high-quality original content.

Audio production equipment. Audible partners with whitefox to edit their audio-first titles.
Hannah Bickerton
Hannah Bickerton
Hannah has worked in marketing for nine years, specialising in strategy development for start-ups and EdTech companies. Having recently jumped across industries to join the Whitefox team, Hannah isn’t a complete stranger to the publishing world with previous employment at Macmillan and TES Global. She is now dedicated to ensuring that anyone who has something interesting to say knows all about whitefox.