In Praise of Collaboration
By Holly Miller • • 0 min read
Yesterday marked the publication of Bob Marshall-Andrews’s CAMILLE and the Lost Diaries of Samuel Pepys.
So what. Another day, another book released into a world awash with new releases. Surely there are already too many choices to make?
What makes this event worth shouting about is that it represents a genuinely collaborative publishing effort. Take a wonderful book, an author determined to take his book to market, add the trusted, professional skills of an editor, cover designer, PR and Marketing experts, all focused on giving their experience and their creative best and to ensure the maximum chance of success.
Who knows. Maybe we’re looking at a redefinition of indie writing. Maybe we are looking at what collaborative publishing looks like. Driven by writers and yet, the very antithesis of self-publishing.
Should be interesting. And if nothing fundamental changes, you know what? You can always read CAMILLE. Which is just a great read.
Author Bob Marshall-Andrews will be in conversation with David Davis MP at Waterstones Piccadilly this evening from 6pm, speaking on everything from Pepys to Blair.
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